// letter_hist.cpp
// Reads a file from stdin (using cin) and counts occurrences of all 26 letters
// A to Z. Case is ignored, so 'A' and 'a' are treated as the same letter.
// The result is displayed as a histogram.
// You can use file-redirection in the terminal window like this:
// $ ./letter_hist < somefile.txt
// a ***3
// b 0
// c *****5
// ...
// z **2
// You could also re-direct the output to a file like this:
// $ ./letter_hist < somefile.txt > out.txt
// Now out.txt contains the output of the program.
#include "cmpt_error.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype> // tolower
using namespace std;
bool is_lower_alpha(char c) { return ('a' <= c) && (c <= 'z'); }
bool is_upper_alpha(char c) { return ('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z'); }
bool is_alpha(char c) { return is_lower_alpha(c) || is_upper_alpha(c); }
int main() {
// create a vector of 26 ints all initialized to 0
vector<int> alpha(26, 0);
// read a word at a time from stdin
string word;
while (cin >> word) {
for(char c : word) {
if (is_alpha(c)) {
int idx = tolower(c) - 'a';
} // for
} // while
// print the results to stdout (cout)
for(int i = 0; i < alpha.size(); i++) {
string bar = string(alpha[i], '*');
cout << char('a' + i) << " " << bar << alpha[i]<< "\n";
} // main