Final Exam


As directed by SFU, all in-person exams have been cancelled, and so the final exam for this course has been removed.

Please see Canvas for the date, time, and room of the final exam.

Please see the course handbook has general information about how exams are run.

The final exam will be a closed-book exam: no notes, books, papers, computers, or other such aids are permitted.


  • Bring your official SFU student ID card to the exam. If you do not have it with you, you will be asked to go get it.
  • During the exam you will be asked to put bags, jackets, etc. at the side of the room. Do not bring any unnecessary valuables to the exam!
  • You may bring your cell phone to the exam, but you cannot use it or leave the room with it. If you do need to leave the room (e.g. to use the washroom), you will be asked to hand over your phone to a TA/instructor.

Topics Covered and Kinds of Questions

The exam covers all the topics as specified on the main page.

While any kind of question could be asked on the exam, you should definitely be prepared to read and write C++ code.

Practice Questions

The textbook has many practice questions and examples, especially for the first part of the course that reviewed basic C++. Use it!

Here are some final exam practice questions.

Here is a sample final exam: sample final (solutions)

For some O-notation questions, see the bottom of the notes on O-notation.