This shows how to implement a simple dynamic array using functions (i.e. a non-object-oriented way). At the end a few examples of the standard C++ vector class are given to show that C++ provides a much nicer solution using classes and objects.

A Dynamic Array Using FunctionsΒΆ

// dynamic_arr1.cpp

#include "cmpt_error.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// The variables in int_vec are public, which means any code could modify them
// at any time.
struct int_vec {
    int* arr;     // pointer to the underlying array
    int size;     // # of elements in this int_vec from user's perspective
    int capacity; // length of underlying array
}; // struct int_vec

// When an empty vector is created, its size is set to 0. But it is not
// obvious what its capacity should be. If the capacity is too big then it
// wastes space, but if it is too small then it will waste time re-sizing the
// underlying vector after only a few items are appended.
const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

// Returns a new int_vec of size 0.
int_vec make_empty_vec(int cap = DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {
    int_vec result = int_vec{new int[cap], 0, cap};
    return result;

// Returns a new int_vec of size n, with every element set to fill_item.
int_vec make_filled_vec(int n, int fill_item) {
    int cap = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;

    // Set the capacity to be a little bit more than n so that appending a few
    // extra elements is fast.
    if (n > 0) {
        cap += n;
    int_vec result = int_vec{new int[cap], n, cap};
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        result.arr[i] = fill_item;
    return result;

// Returns a new int_vec that is a copy of v. The returned int_vec does *not*
// share the same underlying array as v.
int_vec make_copy(const int_vec& v) {
    int_vec result = int_vec{new int[v.capacity], v.size, v.capacity};
    for(int i = 0; i < v.size; ++i) {
        result.arr[i] = v.arr[i];
    return result;

// Returns a copy of the int at index location i of v.
int get(const int_vec& v, int i) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= v.size) {
        cmpt::error("get: index out of range");
    return v.arr[i];

// Sets index location i of v to be the value x.
void set(int_vec& v, int i, int x) {
    if (i < 0 || i >= v.size) {
        cmpt::error("get: index out of range");
    v.arr[i] = x;

// Print v to the console in a nice format.
void print(const int_vec& v) {
    if (v.size == 0) {
        cout << "{}";
    } else {
        cout << "{";
        cout << v.arr[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < v.size; ++i) {  // i starts at 1 (not 0)
            cout << ", " << v.arr[i];
        cout << "}";

// Print v to the console in a nice format, followed by a newline.
void println(const int_vec& v) {
    cout << '\n';

// Append adds x to the right end of v. If v doesn't have enough space to hold
// x, then the size of its underlying array is doubled.
void append(int_vec& v, int x) {  // note that v is not const
    if (v.size >= v.capacity) {
        v.capacity = 2 * v.capacity;         // double the capacity
        int* new_arr = new int[v.capacity];  // make new underlying array
                                             // twice size of old one

        for(int i = 0; i < v.size; ++i) {    // copy elements of v
            new_arr[i] = v.arr[i];           // into new_arr

        delete[] v.arr;                      // delete old arr

        v.arr = new_arr;                     // assign new_arr
    assert(v.size < v.capacity);
    v.arr[v.size] = x;

// The programmer must remember to call deallocate exactly once on any int_vec
// they no longer want. Forgetting to call it results in a memory leak, and
// calling it more than once will most likely corrupt memory!
void deallocate(int_vec& v) {
    delete[] v.arr; // delete with []-brackets is used because v.arr
}                   // points to an array

void test1() {
    int_vec v = make_filled_vec(6, -1);
    // int_vec v = make_empty_vec();

    for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
        append(v, i);

    int_vec w = make_copy(v);

    for(int i = 0; i < w.size; ++i) {
        set(w, i, i * i);

    // deallocate(v); // oops: uncommenting this will de-allocate v twice!

// To run this program at the command-line, you can do this:
//    $ make dynamic_arr1.cpp
//    $ ./dynamic_arr1 < numbers.txt
// numbers.txt is a text file containing numbers, e.g.:
//    3 1 2
//    -5
//    1
// The output is:
//    Sum = 2
//    Average = 0.4
// The < is the BASH re-direction symbol, i.e. it makes the file numbers.txt
// be treated as cin from the program's point of view.
void test2() {
    int_vec v = make_empty_vec();

    // Keep reading ints from cin until end-of-file (ctrl-d) is encountered.
    int x;
    while (cin >> x) {
        append(v, x);

    // sum the elements of v
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < v.size; ++i) {
        sum += get(v, i);

    cout << "Sum = " << sum << "\n";
    cout << "Average = " << sum / double(v.size)
         << "\n";

    deallocate(v);  // always remember to deallocate your intvecs

void sort(int_vec a) {
    // sort is from the C++ Standard Teplate Library (the STL), which is a
    // standard part of C++. The sort function that works on any type of of
    // sequence, including arrays. It takes two pointers as input: a pointer
    // to the first element, and a pointer one past the last element. In
    // general, sort is an extremely efficient algorithm that you can use in
    // most cases when you need to sort something in practice.
    sort(a.arr, a.arr + a.size);

void test3() {
    int_vec v = make_empty_vec();

    // Keep reading ints from cin until end-of-file (ctrl-d) is encountered.
    int x;
    while (cin >> x) {
        append(v, x);


    deallocate(v);  // always remember to deallocate your intvecs

// Here are some examples of things that can go wrong with an int_vec if
// you're not careful.
void test4() {
    int_vec v;  // oops: forgot to call a make function to initialize v;
    println(v); // this compiles, runs, and prints a junk value.

    v = make_filled_vec(5, 0); // okay, now v is initialized to be a
    println(v);                // an array of 5 0s

    v = make_filled_vec(5, 6); // the order of the parameters to make_filled_vec
                               // can be confusing; this is a 5-element
                               // int_vec initialized to all 6s

    v = make_filled_vec(6, 5); // this is a 6-element int_vec initialized to all
                               // 5s


    deallocate(v); // Of course you should always deallocate int_vecs, but
                   // this one call to deallocate only deallocate the most
                   // recent int_vec. The arrays created by the previous calls
                   // to make are all still there, inaccessible! This is an
                   // a memory leak.

    // Here are some examples of incorrectly accessing values of an int_vec.

    int_vec w = make_filled_vec(10, 0);
    w.arr = nullptr;  // oops, memory leak: the underlying array is now
                      // inaccessible

    int_vec s = make_filled_vec(10, 0);
    s.size = 100; // oops: now all functions that use size have the wrong
                  // value
    println(s);   // uh oh: this prints values past the end of the underlying
                  // array

    int_vec t = make_filled_vec(10, 0);
    t.capacity = 2 * t.capacity;  // oops: now t has the wrong length for
                                  // the underlying array
    println(t); // interesting: should still work because println depends
                // upon t.size, not t.capacity

// Now lets see some uses of the C++ standard vector class. The basic idea of
// a standard vector is essentially the same as our int_vec, but it is
// implemented using a class instead of a group of functions. This makes using
// a standard vector much easier and more pleasant than an int_vec.
void test5() {
    vector<int> v;  // creates an empty vector

    v.push_back(5); // push_back does the same thing as the int_vec
    v.push_back(2); // append function

    sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // The standard sort function sorts a vector
                              // using begin and end.

    // v[i] is the element at index location i of v
    for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
        cout << "v[" << i << "]=" << v[i] << "\n";

    // You can also use a for-each loop to get individual vector elements.
    for(int n : v) {
        cout << n << " ";
    cout << "\n";

    vector<int> w = {3, 5, 6, 1}; // very convenient initialization
    v = w; // w is assigned to v: no memory leak!

    // == (and !=) are pre-defined for standard vectors
    if (v == w) {
        cout << "v and w are the same!\n";
    } else {
        cout << "v and w are different!\n";

    // You can put almost any type of value in a vector.
    vector<string> names = {"Bob", "Neil", "Judy", "Ada"};
    for(string s : names) {
        cout << s << " ";
    cout << "\n";

    // We don't need to explicitly de-allocate vectors: they automatically
    // delete their underlying array.

// The C++ standard vector is quite useful and efficient in practice: it is
// rarely ever necessary to use a basic array.
void test6() {
    // Read an unknown number of strings from cin and add them to words. Then
    // sort them in alphabetical order.
    vector<string> words;
    string s;
    while (cin >> s) {
    sort(words.begin(), words.end());

    for(string s : words) {
        cout << s << "\n";
    cout << "\n";

    // No need to explicitly deallocate words: it automatically deletes its
    // underlying array when words goes out of scope.

int main() {
    // test1();
    // test2();
    // test3();
    // test4();
    // test5();