Calculator Notes

The Goal

we want to refresh our memories of basic C++

and also see a few modern C++ features you may not be aware of

lets do this by writing a calculator, that works like this:

--> 7 + 4 * 5

--> 10 / (7 - 2)

this is a fairly challenging problem because expressions can be very long, contain brackets, have unusually placed spaces, e.g.:

1     +  2 + 3 -    4 / (1 - (2+2))

The Plan

we’ll follow a three-step plan for making the calculator

  1. write a tokenizer that reads a string and divides it into tokens, e.g.:

    (1 + 2) * 3

    consists of 7 tokens: <(>, <1>, <+>, <2>, <)>, <*>, <3>

    the tokenizer takes a string as input and returns a vector of tokens as output

    the tokenizer will handle spaces between tokens

  2. write a postfix evaluator, e.g. a function that evaluates expressions written in post-fix notation like this:

    > 2 3 +
    > 4 5 *
    > 2 3 + 4 *

    postfix notation puts operators after the numbers

    in the usual infix notation, like 1 + 2, the operator appears between the numbers

    postfix moves the operator to the end, e.g. 1 2 +

    the surprising thing about postfix is that it is very easy to evaluate

    it never needs brackets, and there is never any ambiguity in the order of operations

  3. write an infix-to-postfix function that converts an infix expression to postfix format using the so-called shunting yard algorithm

The Tokenizer (aka Scanner, aka Lexer)

the tokenizer takes a string as input and returns a sequence of tokens:

vector<Token> scan(const string& s)

vector is the standard C++ vector class

Token is a struct we write ourselves:

struct Token {
    Token_type type;
    int value;  // only used when type == Token_type::NUMBER

Token_type is an enumerated type defined like this:

// ": char" causes each value of this enum to be represented as a char.
enum class Token_type : char {
    LEFT_PAREN   = '(',
    RIGHT_PAREN  = ')',
    PLUS         = '+',
    BINARY_MINUS = 'm',
    UNARY_MINUS  = 'u',
    TIMES        = '*',
    DIVIDE       = '/',
    NUMBER       = 'n'  // n for "number"

an enum class is a finite set of values that represent some new type

each value of Token_type represents one of the tokens that can appear in our expression

The Two Minuses

notice that there are two minuses: Token_type::BINARY_MINUS and Token_type::UNARY_MINUS

in 4 - 3, the - is a binary minus

in -(3 + 2), the - is a unary minus

they use the same symbol, but they are different operations that must be handled differently

enum classes verses C-style enums

Token_type is an enum class

enum class is a C++11 feature that doesn’t appear in earlier versions of C++ (or C)

earlier versions had only enum, what we’ll call C-style enumerations, e.g.:

enum cardsuit {  // C-style enum without "class"

enum cardsuit trump;

it’s the same ideas as an enum class, but the values are always implemented as ints, and can be treated like ints

the values in a C-style enum are also global names, so they “pollute” the global name space, and so, for example, two different C-style enums can’t have the same values

an enum class fixes the problem, but you need to write Token_type::PLUS instead of just PLUS

Printing an enum class

we’ll sometimes want to print a Token_type value to the screen, and a nice way to do that in C++ is like this:

// Overload operator<< so that we can easily print Token_type values.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token_type& tt) {
    os << "'" << char(tt) << "'";
    return os;

operator<< refers to the << operator, and now we can write code like this:

Token_type tt = Token_type::PLUS;
cout << "tt = " << tt << "\n";  // tt = '+'

notice the type header for the operator<< function

ostream& is the return-type, i.e. a reference to an ostream object

the first input os is also a reference to an ostream

in the body, we use << to put a Token_type on os, and then return os

this is the standard format when you overload operator<< for printing

A Couple of Token_Type Helper Functions

later we’ll need to be able to tell which tokens are operators and which are not, and so this:

bool is_op(Token_type tt) {
    switch (tt) {
    case Token_type::TIMES: return true;
    case Token_type::DIVIDE: return true;
    case Token_type::PLUS: return true;
    case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: return true;
    case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS: return true;
    default: return false;
    } // switch

int precedence(Token_type tt) {
    switch (tt) {
    case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS: return 4;
    case Token_type::TIMES: return 3;
    case Token_type::DIVIDE: return 3;
    case Token_type::PLUS: return 2;
    case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: return 2;
    default: cmpt::error("precedence default case reached");
    } // switch
    return -1; // can never be reached!

both of these functions use a switch statement on a Token_type value

we could have instead used an if-statement, but a switch is easy to read and understand here

in the precedence function, notice that the default case calls cmpt::error

that’s a design decision: we’ve decided that if you pass a non-operator Token_type to precedence then it will crash with an error

we didn’t need to do that; we could instead have returned some special value, like -1

handling errors is an important topic, and we will come back to it again and again throughout the course

Token Objects

we need one more struct to represent an individual token:

struct Token {
    Token_type type;
    int value;  // only used when type == Token_type::NUMBER

a Token stores its type and, in the case of numbers, its value

value is only meaningful when the type is Token_type::NUMBER

for convenience, we overload operator<< to print Tokens:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token& t) {
    if (t.type == Token_type::NUMBER) {
        os << "<" << t.value << ">";
    } else {
        os << "<" << char(t.type) << ">";
    return os;

next, we use typedef to make a synonym for a vector<Token>:

// Sequence is a type synonym for vector<Token>, i.e. Sequence is another name
// for the type vector<Token>.
typedef vector<Token> Sequence;

// Print a vector of Tokens in a nice format.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Sequence& tokens) {
    int n = tokens.size();
    if (n == 0) {
        os << "{}";
    } else if (n == 1) {
        os << "{" << tokens[0] << "}";
    } else {
        os << "{" << tokens[0];
        for(int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
            os << ", " << tokens[i];
        os << "}";
    return os;

Back to the Tokenizer

so far we’ve assumed the scan function has this header:

Sequence scan(const string& s)

but there is a problem: it’s possible that the scanner could fail, e.g. it could encounter an unknown token such as “x” in “x + 2” (our calculator doesn’t handle variables)

what should the returned vector<Token> be in the case when s results in failure?

what we’ll do is use a simple Scan_result object that will tell us if their’s a failure:

// The result of a scan is either a Sequence object, or an error.
// If the value is a Sequence, then okay() returns true; if it's an error,
// then okay() returns false.
struct Scan_result {
    Sequence value;
    string error_msg;

    bool okay() { return error_msg.empty(); }
}; // struct Scan_result

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Scan_result& sr) {
    os << "Scan_result{" << sr.value << ", " << quote(sr.error_msg) << "}";
    return os;

Scan_result is a struct that holds both a Sequence and an error_msg

if the scanner fails, then it sets the error_msg to be some helpful string

okay() is a method, i.e. a function in a struct (or class), and using it we can easily test if the returned Scan_result represents a success or failure

also, for convenience, we also overload operator<< to print Scan_result objects in a useful format

The Scanner Body

now our scanning function has this header:

Scan_result scan(const string& s) {
    // ...

let’s write the body

the basic strategy will be to loop through s one character at a time

whitespace characters — like space, tab, and newline — are ignored

single-character tokens — like +, *, ( — are immediately converted to their corresponding Token objects

a - will always be treated as a Token_type::BINARY_MINUS; later we will change some of them to Token_type::UNARY_MINUS if necessary

numbers, for this program, will be restricted to non-negative integers consisting of 1 or more digits

when the scanner encounters a number, it gets the entire number by looping through the following characters until it finds either a non-digit or the end of the string

The Scanner Body

// Returns true if, and only if, c is a whitespace character.
bool is_whitespace(char c) {
    return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t';

// Returns true if, and only if, c is a decimal digit.
bool is_digit(char c) {
    return '0' <= c && c <= '9';

// Convert s into a vector of tokens. Calls cmpt::error on unknown characters.
// Throws std::out_of_range if an out-of-range int is encountered.
// A '-' is always counted as a Token_type::BINARY_MINUS,
Scan_result scan(const string& s) {
    Sequence result;
    for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
        if (is_whitespace(s[i])) {
            // skip all whitespace
            while (i < s.size() && is_whitespace(s[i])) i++;
            // invariant: i >= s.size() || !is_whitespace(s[i])

            // If we're not at the end of the string, then decrement i because
            // we had to look one character ahead to see that it wasn't
            // whitespace.
            if (i < s.size()) i--;
        } else if (is_digit(s[i])) {
            string num = string(1, s[i]);
            while (i < s.size() && is_digit(s[i])) {
                num += string(1, s[i]);
            // invariant: i >= s.size() || !is_digit(s[i])

            // If we're not at the end of the string, then decrement i because
            // we had to look one character ahead to see that it wasn't a
            // digit.
            if (i < s.size()) i--;
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::NUMBER, stoi(num)});
        } else if (s[i] == '(') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::LEFT_PAREN, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == ')') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '+') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::PLUS, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '-') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::BINARY_MINUS, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '*') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::TIMES, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '/') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::DIVIDE, 0});
        } else {
            string msg = "scanner encountered unknown character '" + string(1, s[i]) + "'";
            return Scan_result{Sequence{}, msg};
    } //for
    return Scan_result{result, ""};
} // scan

Comments on the Scanner

while the scanner was not that hard to create by hand in the way we did it, there are other approaches to writing scanners

for example, you could use regular expressions, or special software tools that automatically generate scanners (e.g. Flex)

The Minus Fixer

the scanner treats all -s as Token_type::BINARY_MINUS

but, for an infix expression, we want to treat - as unary if:

  • it is the first token of an expression, e.g. -5, -(1 + 2)
  • the previous token is an operator or a (, e.g. 1 + -3, (-2 * 6)

all other instances of - are assumed to be binary

void minus_fix(Sequence& seq) {
    if (seq[0].type == Token_type::BINARY_MINUS) {
        seq[0].type = Token_type::UNARY_MINUS;
    for(int i = 1; i < seq.size(); ++i) {
        Token_type prev = seq[i - 1].type;
        if (seq[i].type == Token_type::BINARY_MINUS) {
            if (prev == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN || is_op(prev)) {
                seq[i].type = Token_type::UNARY_MINUS;
    } // for

notice that seq is passed by reference so it can, if necessary, be modified by minus_fix

The Postfix Evaluator

postfix expressions put operators after the number

for example, 2 * 3 is an infix expression because the * is in-between the 2 and the 3

2 3 * is an equivalent postfix expression because the * is after (post) the numbers

postfix never needs parentheses, e.g.

  • 2 + 3 * 4 is 2 3 4 * + in postfix
  • (2 + 3) * 4 is 2 3 + 4 * in postfix

evaluating a postfix expression turns out to be relatively easy

first, we need to use a stack …


a stack is used to store the numbers as they are seen

for us, a stack is just a vector<int> where numbers are added and removed only at the right end

adding a number to a stack is a push operation

removing a number from a stack is called a pop operation

for example after these operations:

push 2    // add a 2 to the top of the stack
push 1    // add a 1 to the top of the stack
push 8    // ...
pop       // remove the top element of the stack
pop       // remove the top element of the stack
push 3    // ...
push 4    // ...

the stack looks like this:

4  <-- top of the stack
2  <-- bottom of the stack

The Postfix Evaluation Algorithm

here’s pseudocode for the basic postfix evaluation algorithm

pseudocode is a description of an algorithm using structured English that is similar a program

stack <-- {}   // stack is initially empty
for each token t in the token sequence:
    if t is a number then
        stack.push t
    else if t is a binary operator (like '+' or '/'):
        a = stack.pop
        b = stack.pop
        result = evaluate(a, t, b)
        push result
    else if t is unary minus
        result = stack.pop
        push -result

once you get the hang of it, it’s simple enough to do by hand

for example:

2 3 * 4 5 * +

using the algorithm, we first push 2 and push 3

the * pops the top 2 elements, 2 and 3, pushes 6 (their product)

then we push 4 and push 5; at this point the stack looks like this:

4   <-- top of the stack
6   <-- bottom of the stack

the * now pops the 4 and 5, and pushes 20 (their product)

the + then pops the 20 and 6, and pushes 26 (their sum)

now there’s one item on the stack: 26

this is the value of the original postfix expression

Implementing a Postfix Evaluator

now lets make a function that evaluates postfix expressions

just as with the scanner, it’s possible that postfix_eval could fail and return an error message

Int_result postfix_eval(const Sequence& tokens)

the input is a sequence of tokens, and the output is an Int_result which is defined like this:

// helper function for popping elements from a stack made from a
// vector<T>, where T is any type;
// to push onto a stack just use the vector's push_back method
template<class T>
T pop(vector<T>& stack) {
    T result = stack.back();
    return result;

struct Int_result {
    int value;
    string error_msg;

    bool okay() { return error_msg.empty(); }

string quote(const string& s) {
    return "\"" + s + "\"";

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Int_result& ir) {
    os << "Int_result{" << ir.value << ", " << quote(ir.error_msg) << "}";
    return os;

note that quote is a helper function for putting quote-marks around a string — it simplifies the operator<< function

the pop function uses templates, i.e. it allows the type T of objects contained in the vector to be any type at all

the line template<class T> tells C++ that T is any type, and that it will be supplied by the code that calls pop

this means we could call pop with a vector<int> or a vector<token> or a vector containing any type of object

we’ll use pop both in the postfix evaluator, and the infix-to-postfix translator that comes later

Implementing a Postfix Evaluator

// Assumes tokens form a valid postfix expression.
Int_result postfix_eval(const Sequence& tokens) {
    vector<int> stack;
    bool ok = true;

    // Scan through every token. Push numbers onto the stack, and for
    // operators pop off the necessary number of items from the stack,
    // evaluate them, and push the result.
    for (Token tok : tokens) {
        if (tok.type == Token_type::NUMBER) {
        } else if (tok.type == Token_type::UNARY_MINUS) {
            // Unary operators take one input. Thus, if the stack has no
            // numbers on it the operator won't have enough data. So in that
            // case we immediately set an error flag and jump out of the loop.
            if (stack.size() < 1) {
                ok = false;
                break;  // jump out of loop
            int a = pop(stack);
        } else {
            // Binary operators take two inputs. Thus, if the stack has less
            // than 2 numbers on it the operator won't have enough data. So in
            // that case we immediately set an error flag and jump out of the
            // loop.
            if (stack.size() < 2) {
                ok = false;
                break;  // jump out of loop
            int a = pop(stack);
            int b = pop(stack);
            switch (tok.type) {
                case Token_type::PLUS:  stack.push_back(a + b); break;
                case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: stack.push_back(b - a); break;
                case Token_type::TIMES: stack.push_back(a * b); break;
                case Token_type::DIVIDE:
                    if (a == 0.0) {
                        return Int_result{0, "division by 0"};
                    stack.push_back(b / a);
                    // An unknown token type is a *really* bad error that
                    // means there's a mistake in the program's design.
                    cmpt::error("postfix_eval error: unknown token type '"
                               + string(1, char(tok.type)) + "'");
            } // switch
        } // else
    } // for
    if (ok && stack.size() > 0) {
        return Int_result{stack[0], ""};
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, "not enough numbers to pop"};
} // postfix_eval

Implementing a Postfix Evaluator

next let’s write a version of the postfix evaluator that takes a string as input

first we’ll need to run the string through the scanner:

Int_result postfix_eval(const string& expr) {
    Scan_result tokens = scan(expr);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        Int_result result = postfix_eval(tokens.value);
        return result;
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

since result is only used once, an alternate way to write this same function is this:

Int_result postfix_eval(const string& expr) {
    Scan_result tokens = scan(expr);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        return postfix_eval(tokens.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

one other interesting thing we could do here is replace Scan_result with auto:

Int_result postfix_eval(const string& expr) {
    auto tokens = scan(expr);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        return postfix_eval(tokens.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

auto can see that the return type of scan(expr) is Scan_result, and so tokens is automatically declared to be of type Scan_result

it’s not much of savings here, but for long, complicated types auto can be convenient

A Postfix Command-line Interpreter

now that we can evaluate postfix strings, let’s write a simple interpreter to test it:

// Replace non-printing characters like '\n' with the 2-character string
// "\\n". Also, can replace spaces with '.'s (or some other char) to make them
// easier to see.
string raw(const string& s, const string& dot_char = ".") {
    string result;
    for (char c : s) {
        switch (c) {
            case '\n': result += "\\n"; break;    // break is needed to stop
            case '\t': result += "\\t"; break;    // the flow of control
            case '\r': result += "\\r"; break;    // from "falling through"
            case ' ' : result += dot_char; break; // to the next case
            default: result += c;
        } // switch
    } // for
    return result;

void repl_postfix() {
    for(;;) {  // loop forever
        cout << "postfix> ";

        // getline reads the entire line of input, including spaces;
        // cin >> input would just read the characters before the first space
        // (e.g. the first word)
        string input;
        getline(cin, input);
        cout << "input=" << quote(raw(input)) << "\n";

        Int_result result = postfix_eval(input);
        if (result.okay()) {
            cout << "val = " << result.value << "\n";
        } else {
            cout << "Error: " << result.error_msg << "\n";
    } // for

we wrote this to help with debugging, so you should use it to test out a few expressions to convince yourself the postfix evaluator is correct

notice the raw function: it makes whitespace characters visible, which can be useful information in debugging

postfix> 3 4 - 4 +
val = 3

postfix> 2 3 4 5 * * *
val = 120

postfix> 1 2+3*
val = 9

postfix>    1   2     +  3
val = 3

postfix> 2 +
Error: not enough numbers to pop

postfix> 2 3 x
Error: scanner encountered unknown character 'x'

Infix to Postfix Conversion (shunting yard algorithm)

now that we have the eval_postfix working, the next step is to convert infix expressions into postfix expressions

we’ll use a well-known solution to this problem called the shunting yard algorithm

we won’t go too far into analyzing why the algorithm works

instead, we’ll treat it as given, and concentrate on implementing it nicely in C++

like the postfix evaluation algorithm the shunting yard algorithm uses a stack

Converting Infix to Postfix

Scan_result infix_to_postfix(const Sequence& input) {
    Sequence output;
    Sequence stack;
    for(const Token& tok : input) {
        switch (tok.type) {
            case Token_type::NUMBER:
                // numbers are always immediately pushed to output
            case Token_type::PLUS:
            case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS:
            case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS:
            case Token_type::TIMES:
            case Token_type::DIVIDE:
                // pop higher-precedence operators off the stack
                while (!stack.empty()
                    && (is_op(stack.back().type)
                     && precedence(stack.back().type) >= precedence(tok.type)))
                } // while
            case Token_type::LEFT_PAREN:
                // left parentheses are always immediately pushed onto the stack
            case Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN:
                // pop operators until the first left parenthesis is reached
                // (if no parenthesis is found, then there's a mis-matched
                // parenthesis error)
                while (!stack.empty()
                    && (stack.back().type != Token_type::LEFT_PAREN))
                } // while
                if (stack.empty()) {
                    return Scan_result{Sequence{}, "mis-matched parenthesis"};
                } else if (stack.back().type == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN) {
                    // discard the left parenthesis on the top
                } else {
                    cmpt::error("logic error in infix_to_postfix RIGHT_PAREN case!");
                cout << "tok.type: '" << char(tok.type) << "'\n";
                cmpt::error("reached default in infix_to_postfix!");
        } // switch
    } // for

    while (!stack.empty()) {
        Token t = pop(stack);
        if (t.type == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN || t.type == Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN) {
            return Scan_result{Sequence{}, "mis-matched parenthesis"};
    } // while
    return Scan_result{output, ""};
} // infix_to_postfix

notice the for-loop:

for(const Token& tok : input) {
  // ...

this uses a for-each loop to processe the input one token at a time

the variable tok is a reference to the actual Token in input

it’s also const so that no code in the loop is allowed to modify it (code can only read it)

Converting Infix to Postfix

now lets write some an a function to evaluate a sequence of tokens in infix format:

Int_result infix_eval(Sequence input) {
    Scan_result postfix = infix_to_postfix(input);
    if (postfix.okay()) {
        return postfix_eval(postfix.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, postfix.error_msg};

notice the call to minus_fix at the start

it makes sure that all the unary minuses have the right type (see the minus_fix function for the rules when this applies)

here’s a version that takes a string as input:

Int_result infix_eval(const string& input) {
    Scan_result tokens = scan(input);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        return infix_eval(tokens.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

An Infix Interpreter

now we can write an infix interpreter

it’s essentially the same as the postfix interpreter we wrote above, but we call infix_eval instead

void repl_infix() {
    for(;;) {  // loop forever
        cout << "infix> ";
        string input;

        // getline reads the entire line of input, including spaces;
        // cin >> input would just read the characters before the first space
        // (e.g. the first word)
        getline(cin, input);
        cout << "input=" << quote(raw(input)) << "\n";

        Int_result result = infix_eval(input);
        if (result.okay()) {
            cout << "val = " << result.value << "\n";
        } else {
            cout << "Error: " << result.error_msg << "\n";
    } // for

Automating the Testing

the purpose of the interpreter is to test that the infix expressions are correctly evaluated

you have to type the expressions by hand, which is useful

but it is too tedious to do a lot of testing by hand

so lets write some code that will do some simple automated testing

int test_count = 0;

void test(const string& expr, int expected_result) {
    auto result = infix_eval(expr);
    if (result.okay() && result.value == expected_result) {
        // do nothing --- test passed
        cout << test_count << ": " << quote(expr) << " passed\n";
    } else {
        cout << "!! Test failed: " << quote(expr)
             << "\n!! result=" << result
             << ", expected=" << expected_result << "\n";
        cmpt::error("test failed");

void infix_eval_test() {
    cout << "Testing infix_eval ...\n";
    test_count = 0;
    test("0", 0);
    test("10", 10);
    test("  1    +2", 3);
    test("4*2", 8);
    test("  10/ 5", 2);
    test("1+2", 3);
    test("(1)+2", 3);
    test("1+(2)", 3);
    test("(1+2)", 3);
    test("286", 286);
    test("(286)", 286);
    test("((286))", 286);
    test("(((286)))", 286);
    test("1+2+3 + (4 + 5) + 7", 22);
    test("2 + 3 * 4", 14);
    test("(2 + 3) * 4", 20);
    test("2 * 3 + 4", 10);
    test("(10+20) /  15 ", 2);
    test("6 * 5 - (1 * 2 + 3 * 4 )", 16);
    test("32 / 2 ", 16);
    test("32 / 2 / 2", 8);
    test("(8 - 6 / 2) / (8-6/2)", 1);
    test("(1 - 1 + 4) * 2", 8);
    test("(155 + 2 + 3 - 155 - 2 - 3 + 4) * 2", 8);
    test("32 / 2 * 2", 32);

    test("1-2  ", -1);
    test("-(1 + 2)", -3);
    test("-5", -5);
    test("1 + -3", -2);
    test("-1 + 3", 2);
    test("-(1 + 2)", -3);
    test("3 - -2", 5);
    test("-2 * 6", -12);
    test("-(-2 * -6)", -12);

    cout << "\n... all infix_eval tests passed!\n";

Automating the Testing

choosing test cases can be tricky

what should they be?

how many is enough?

here we want to make sure that our tests cases use all the tokens, and have different amounts of whitespace

also, we know from the implementation that how - is handled is more complex than the other operators, so we include some extra cases for that

we’ll discuss more about testing theory a little later in the course

Comments on the Calculator

we’ve implemented an integer calculator using postfix evaluation and the shunting yard algorithm

that’s certainly not the only way to implement such a calculator!

another popular approach is a technique called recursive descent, where a collection of related recursive functions handle the parsing

one of the issues with our calculator is that the error messages are not always so good

for instance, sometimes you can get an error message from the scanner, or from the conversion algorithm, or from the postfix evaluator

it can be quite confusing!

it turns out that getting good error messages with this kind of implementation is tricky

in contrast, it’s usually easier to get good error messages using recursive descent parsers

Complete Calculator Source Code

// calculator-notes.cpp

// This program implements a basic integer calculator. It consists of three
// main parts:
// - A lexical scanner that converts a string, like "(1 + 2)*3", into a
//   sequence of tokens such as {{"(", OPEN_PAREN, 0}, {"1", NUM, 1}, {"+",
//   PLUS, 0}, {"2", NUM, 2}, {")", CLOSE_PAREN, 0}, {"*", TIMES, 0}, {"3",
//   NUM, 3}}.
// - A postfix evaluator that evaluates a sequence of tokens in postfix
//   format.
// - A transformer that converts a sequence of tokens in infix format into an
//   equivalent sequence of tokens in postfix format. This uses the Shunting
//   Yard algorithm, a non-recursive "precedence climbing" parsing algorithm
//   designed specifically for parsing arithmetic expressions.
// When implementing this calculator, it seems best to write the scanner
// first, followed by the postfix evaluator, and then, finally, infix-to-
// postfix transformer.
// The main purpose of this program is to demonstrate some basic features of
// C++. As a calculator, it's just a toy. But it could be the starting point
// for a more robust and fully-featured calculator.

#include "cmpt_error.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// Helper functions

// Returns true if, and only if, c is a whitespace character.
bool is_whitespace(char c) {
    return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t';

// Returns true if, and only if, c is a decimal digit.
bool is_digit(char c) {
    return '0' <= c && c <= '9';

// Returns a copy of s in double-quotes.
string quote(const string& s) {
    return "\"" + s + "\"";

// Token_type enumeration

// ": char" causes each value of this enum to be represented as a char.
enum class Token_type : char {
    LEFT_PAREN   = '(',
    RIGHT_PAREN  = ')',
    PLUS         = '+',
    BINARY_MINUS = 'm',
    UNARY_MINUS  = 'u',
    TIMES        = '*',
    DIVIDE       = '/',
    NUMBER       = 'n'  // n for "number"

// Overload operator<< so that we can easily print Token_type values.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token_type& tt) {
    os << "'" << char(tt) << "'";
    return os;

// Returns true if tt is an operator, and false otherwise.
bool is_op(Token_type tt) {
    switch (tt) {
    case Token_type::TIMES: return true;
    case Token_type::DIVIDE: return true;
    case Token_type::PLUS: return true;
    case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: return true;
    case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS: return true;
    default: return false;
    } // switch

// Returns the precedence of an operator (needed for parsing).
// * has higher precedence than +, so the expression
// "1 + 2 * 3" is evaluated as "1 + (2 * 3)"
int precedence(Token_type tt) {
    switch (tt) {
    case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS: return 4;
    case Token_type::TIMES: return 3;
    case Token_type::DIVIDE: return 3;
    case Token_type::PLUS: return 2;
    case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: return 2;
    default: cmpt::error("precedence default case reached");
    } // switch
    return -1; // can never be reached!

// Tokens

// A Token consists of a type, and, for numbers, the value of the number.
struct Token {
    Token_type type;
    int value;  // only used when type == Token_type::NUMBER

// Overload operator<< so that we can easily print a single Token.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token& t) {
    if (t.type == Token_type::NUMBER) {
        os << "<" << t.value << ">";
    } else {
        os << "<" << char(t.type) << ">";
    return os;

// Sequence is a type synonym for vector<Token>, i.e. Sequence is another name
// for the type vector<Token>.
typedef vector<Token> Sequence;

// Print a vector of Tokens in a nice format.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Sequence& tokens) {
    int n = tokens.size();
    if (n == 0) {
        os << "{}";
    } else if (n == 1) {
        os << "{" << tokens[0] << "}";
    } else {
        os << "{" << tokens[0];
        for(int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
            os << ", " << tokens[i];
        os << "}";
    return os;

// Scanning functions

// Replace non-printing characters like '\n' with the 2-character string
// "\\n". Also, can replace spaces with '.'s (or some other char) to make them
// easier to see.
string raw(const string& s, const string& dot_char = ".") {
    string result;
    for (char c : s) {
        switch (c) {
            case '\n': result += "\\n"; break;    // break is needed to stop
            case '\t': result += "\\t"; break;    // the flow of control
            case '\r': result += "\\r"; break;    // from "falling through"
            case ' ' : result += dot_char; break; // to the next case
            default: result += c;
        } // switch
    } // for
    return result;

// The result of a scan is either a Sequence object, or an error. If the value
// is a Sequence, then okay() returns true; if it's an error, then okay()
// returns false.
struct Scan_result {
    Sequence value;
    string error_msg;

    bool okay() { return error_msg.empty(); }
}; // struct Scan_result

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Scan_result& sr) {
    os << "Scan_result{" << sr.value << ", " << quote(sr.error_msg) << "}";
    return os;

// Convert s into a vector of tokens. Calls cmpt::error on unknown characters.
// Throws std::out_of_range if an out-of-range int is encountered.
// A '-' is always treat as a Token_type::BINARY_MINUS (unary minuses will
// be fixed later in the process)
Scan_result scan(const string& s) {
    Sequence result;
    for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
        if (is_whitespace(s[i])) {
            // skip all whitespace
            while (i < s.size() && is_whitespace(s[i])) i++;
            // invariant: i >= s.size() || !is_whitespace(s[i])

            // If we're not at the end of the string, then decrement i because
            // we had to look one character ahead to see that it wasn't
            // whitespace.
            if (i < s.size()) i--;
        } else if (is_digit(s[i])) {
            string num = string(1, s[i]);
            while (i < s.size() && is_digit(s[i])) {
                num += string(1, s[i]);
            // invariant: i >= s.size() || !is_digit(s[i])

            // If we're not at the end of the string, then decrement i because
            // we had to look one character ahead to see that it wasn't a
            // digit.
            if (i < s.size()) i--;
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::NUMBER, stoi(num)});
        } else if (s[i] == '(') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::LEFT_PAREN, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == ')') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '+') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::PLUS, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '-') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::BINARY_MINUS, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '*') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::TIMES, 0});
        } else if (s[i] == '/') {
            result.push_back(Token{Token_type::DIVIDE, 0});
        } else {
            string msg = "scanner encountered unknown character '" + string(1, s[i]) + "'";
            return Scan_result{Sequence{}, msg};
    } //for
    return Scan_result{result, ""};
} // scan

// Distinguishing between unary - (as in -5) and binary - (as in 1 - 2).
// Examples of unary -:
//   -5
//   1 + -3
//   -1 + 3
//  -(1 + 2)
//  3 - -2
//  (-2 * 6)
//  -1--2
//  A - is unary if:
//    * it is the first token of an expression, e.g. -5, -(1 + 2)
//    * the previous token is an operator or a (, e.g. 1 + -3, (-2 * 6)
// All other instances of - are assumed to be binary.
void minus_fix(Sequence& seq) {
    // a - at the start of a sequence is always considered unary
    if (seq[0].type == Token_type::BINARY_MINUS) {
        seq[0].type = Token_type::UNARY_MINUS;
    for(int i = 1; i < seq.size(); ++i) {
        Token_type prev = seq[i - 1].type;
        if (seq[i].type == Token_type::BINARY_MINUS) {
            if (prev == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN || is_op(prev)) {
                seq[i].type = Token_type::UNARY_MINUS;
    } // for

// Postfix evaluator

// Removes an item from the end of a vector and returns it. It is a template
// function, which means it works a vector<T>, where T is any type.
template<class T>
T pop(vector<T>& stack) {
    T result = stack.back();
    return result;

// The result of a scan is either a Sequence object, or an error. If the value
// is a Sequence, then okay() returns true; if it's an error, then okay()
// returns false.
struct Int_result {
    int value;
    string error_msg;

    bool okay() { return error_msg.empty(); }
}; // struct Int_result

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Int_result& ir) {
    os << "Int_result{" << ir.value << ", " << quote(ir.error_msg) << "}";
    return os;

// Assumes tokens form a valid postfix expression.
Int_result postfix_eval(const Sequence& tokens) {
    vector<int> stack;
    bool ok = true; // error flag  that is set to false if there are not
                    // enough numbers on the stack to evaluate an operator

    // Scan through every token. Push numbers onto the stack. For operators,
    // pop off the necessary number of items from the stack, evaluate them,
    // and push the result.
    for (Token tok : tokens) {
        if (tok.type == Token_type::NUMBER) {
        } else if (tok.type == Token_type::UNARY_MINUS) {
            // Unary operators take one input. Thus, if the stack has no
            // numbers on it we immediately set an error flag and jump out of
            // the loop.
            if (stack.size() < 1) {
                ok = false;
                break;  // jump out of loop
            int a = pop(stack);
        } else {
            // Binary operators take two inputs. Thus, if the stack has less
            // than 2 numbers on it we immediately set an error flag and jump
            // out of the loop.
            if (stack.size() < 2) {
                ok = false;
                break;  // jump out of loop
            int a = pop(stack);
            int b = pop(stack);
            switch (tok.type) {
                case Token_type::PLUS:  stack.push_back(a + b); break;
                case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS: stack.push_back(b - a); break;
                case Token_type::TIMES: stack.push_back(a * b); break;
                case Token_type::DIVIDE:
                    if (a == 0.0) {
                        return Int_result{0, "division by 0"};
                    stack.push_back(b / a);
                    // An unknown token type is a *really* bad error that
                    // means there's a mistake in the program's design.
                    cmpt::error("postfix_eval error: unknown token type '"
                                + string(1, char(tok.type)) + "'");
            } // switch
        } // else
    } // for
    if (ok && stack.size() > 0) {
        return Int_result{stack[0], ""};
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, "not enough numbers to pop"};
} // postfix_eval

Int_result postfix_eval(const string& expr) {
    Scan_result tokens = scan(expr);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        Int_result result = postfix_eval(tokens.value);
        return result;
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

// Infix evaluator

// Use the shunting-yard algorithm to convert infix to postfix.
// Assumes tokens vector forms a infix expression.
// See:
// Some invalid expressions, like "(1 + 2", are caught in this function, while
// others, like "1(+)2" or "1 + + 2", are caught only in the postfix
// evaluation. That's pretty confusing for the user! Consistent, helpful error
// messages would be a good improvement to this program.
Scan_result infix_to_postfix(const Sequence& input) {
    Sequence output;
    Sequence stack;
    for(const Token& tok : input) {
        switch (tok.type) {
            case Token_type::NUMBER:
                // numbers are always immediately pushed to output
            case Token_type::PLUS:
            case Token_type::UNARY_MINUS:
            case Token_type::BINARY_MINUS:
            case Token_type::TIMES:
            case Token_type::DIVIDE:
                // pop higher-precedence operators off the stack
                while (!stack.empty()
                     && (is_op(stack.back().type)
                     && precedence(stack.back().type) >= precedence(tok.type)))
                } // while
            case Token_type::LEFT_PAREN:
                // left parentheses are always immediately pushed onto the stack
            case Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN:
                // pop operators until the first left parenthesis is reached
                // (if no parenthesis is found, then there's a mis-matched
                // parenthesis error)
                while (!stack.empty()
                    && (stack.back().type != Token_type::LEFT_PAREN))
                } // while
                if (stack.empty()) {
                    return Scan_result{Sequence{}, "mis-matched parenthesis"};
                } else if (stack.back().type == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN) {
                    // discard the left parenthesis on the top
                } else {
                    // If the program ever gets to this line then there is a
                    // serious problem with it's design.
                    cmpt::error("logic error in infix_to_postfix RIGHT_PAREN case!");
                cout << "tok.type: '" << char(tok.type) << "'\n";
                cmpt::error("reached default in infix_to_postfix!");
        } // switch
    } // for

    // The output is all processed, but there might be tokens on the stack. So
    // move them all to output.
    while (!stack.empty()) {
        Token t = pop(stack);
        if (t.type == Token_type::LEFT_PAREN || t.type == Token_type::RIGHT_PAREN) {
            return Scan_result{Sequence{}, "mis-matched parenthesis"};
    } // while
    return Scan_result{output, ""};
} // infix_to_postfix

Int_result infix_eval(Sequence input) {
    Scan_result postfix = infix_to_postfix(input);
    if (postfix.okay()) {
        return postfix_eval(postfix.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, postfix.error_msg};

Int_result infix_eval(const string& input) {
    Scan_result tokens = scan(input);
    if (tokens.okay()) {
        return infix_eval(tokens.value);
    } else {
        return Int_result{0, tokens.error_msg};

// Testing functions

void repl_postfix() {
    for(;;) {  // loop forever
        cout << "postfix> ";

        // getline reads the entire line of input, including spaces;
        // cin >> input would just read the characters before the first space
        // (e.g. the first word)
        string input;
        getline(cin, input);
        cout << "input=" << quote(raw(input)) << "\n";

        auto result = postfix_eval(input);
        if (result.okay()) {
            cout << "val = " << result.value << "\n";
        } else {
            cout << "Error: " << result.error_msg << "\n";
    } // for

void repl_infix() {
    for(;;) {  // loop forever
        cout << "\ninfix> ";
        string input;

        // getline reads the entire line of input, including spaces;
        // cin >> input would just read the characters before the first space
        // (e.g. the first word)
        getline(cin, input);
        cout << "input=" << quote(raw(input)) << "\n";

        Int_result result = infix_eval(input);
        if (result.okay()) {
            cout << "val = " << result.value << "\n";
        } else {
            cout << "Error: " << result.error_msg << "\n";
    } // for

// Testing

int test_count = 0;

void test(const string& expr, int expected_result) {
    Int_result result = infix_eval(expr);
    if (result.okay() && result.value == expected_result) {
        // do nothing --- test passed
        cout << test_count << ": " << quote(expr) << " passed\n";
    } else {
        cout << "!! Test failed: " << quote(expr)
             << "\n!! result=" << result
             << ", expected=" << expected_result << "\n";
        cmpt::error("test failed");

void infix_eval_test() {
    cout << "Testing infix_eval ...\n";
    test_count = 0;
    test("0", 0);
    test("10", 10);
    test("  1    +2", 3);
    test("4*2", 8);
    test("  10/ 5", 2);
    test("1+2", 3);
    test("(1)+2", 3);
    test("1+(2)", 3);
    test("(1+2)", 3);
    test("286", 286);
    test("(286)", 286);
    test("((286))", 286);
    test("(((286)))", 286);
    test("1+2+3 + (4 + 5) + 7", 22);
    test("2 + 3 * 4", 14);
    test("(2 + 3) * 4", 20);
    test("2 * 3 + 4", 10);
    test("(10+20) /  15 ", 2);
    test("6 * 5 - (1 * 2 + 3 * 4 )", 16);
    test("32 / 2 ", 16);
    test("32 / 2 / 2", 8);
    test("(8 - 6 / 2) / (8-6/2)", 1);
    test("(1 - 1 + 4) * 2", 8);
    test("(155 + 2 + 3 - 155 - 2 - 3 + 4) * 2", 8);
    test("32 / 2 * 2", 32);

    test("1-2  ", -1);
    test("-(1 + 2)", -3);
    test("-5", -5);
    test("1 + -3", -2);
    test("-1 + 3", 2);
    test("-(1 + 2)", -3);
    test("3 - -2", 5);
    test("-2 * 6", -12);
    test("-(-2 * -6)", -12);

    cout << "\n... all infix_eval tests passed!\n";

// Main program

int main() {
    // repl_postfix();
} // main