import java.util.*; class Sorts { /* * Utility Functions */ private static void swap(float[] arr, int a, int b) { // swap arr[a] and arr[b] // may come in handy in your code (or might not) float tmp; tmp = arr[a]; arr[a] = arr[b]; arr[b] = tmp; } public static boolean isSorted(float[] arr) { // return true if the array is in increasing order // can be used for testing your sorting methods. for(int i=0; iarr[i+1] ) { return false; } } return true; } public static void builtinSort(float[] arr) { // wrapper for the built-in sorting algorithm // ...just to make it work like the others. Arrays.sort(arr); } /* * Selection Sort */ public static void selectionSort(float[] arr) { // implementation of selection sort. Sorts arr in-place. int min, i; float tmp; for(int pos=0; pos arr[i] ) { min = i; } } // swap it into place swap(arr, pos, min); } } /* * Quicksort */ static Random r = new Random(); public static void quickSort(float[] arr, int first, int last) { // randomized quicksort implementation // sorts arr[first] to arr[last-1]. if ( last-first <= 1 ) { // base case // could set the base case around 10 and then: // insertionSort(arr, first, last); return; } float pivot, tmp; int pivotpos, left=first+1, right=last-1; // choose random pivot pivotpos = first + r.nextInt(last-first); // other possible pivotpos values: first; (first+last)/2; pivot = arr[pivotpos]; swap(arr, first, pivotpos); while ( left < right ) { // find something too big to be before the pivot while ( left < right && arr[left] <= pivot ) { left++; } // find something too small to be after the pivot while ( left < right && arr[right] >= pivot ) { right--; } // swap them (if that's really what we found) if ( left < right ) { swap(arr, left, right); left++; right--; } } if ( arr[left] > pivot ) { // whether or not to do this depends how we exited the loop. left--; } swap(arr, first, left); // pivot at position 'left'--it's final pos quickSort(arr, first, left); quickSort(arr, left+1, last); } public static void quickSort(float[] arr) { quickSort(arr, 0, arr.length); } /* * Your code... */ }