//--------------------------------------------------------------- // Opacity Displayer, Version 1.0 // Copyright Michael Lovitt, 6/2002. // Distribute freely, but please leave this notice intact. //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- // OPACITY OBJECT // // Instantiates the object, defines the properties and methods. function OpacityObject(div, strPath) { this.layerObject = div; this.path = strPath; /* if (ns){ if (browserVersion>=5) { this.layerObject = document.getElementById(divId).style; } else { this.layerObject = eval("document."+divId); } } else { this.layerObject = eval(divId + ".style"); }/**/ this.setBackground = od_object_setBackground; } // Uses AlphaImageLoader filter, or the css background property, // as appropriate, to apply a PNG or GIF as the background of the layerObject. function od_object_setBackground() { if (pngAlpha) { this.layerObject.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='"+this.path+".png', sizingMethod='scale')"; } else if (pngNormal) { if (browser.isMac && browser.isIE5up ) this.layerObject.backgroundColor = '#999999'; else this.layerObject.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.path+'.png)'; } else { this.layerObject.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.path+'.gif)'; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- // OPACITY DISPLAY FUNCTION // Outputs the image as a div with the AlphaImageLoader, or with // a standard image tag. function od_displayImage(strId, strPath, intWidth, intHeight, strClass, strAlt) { if (pngAlpha) { document.write('
'); } else if (pngNormal) { document.write(''+strAlt+''); } else { document.write(''+strAlt+''); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- // OPACITY ROLL-OVER FUNCTIONS function od_rollOver(strId, strColor) { if (pngAlpha) { document.getElementById(strId).style.backgroundColor = strColor; } else { if (document.images && (flag == true)) { document[strId].src = eval(strId + "on.src"); } } } function od_rollOut(strId, strColor) { if (pngAlpha) { document.getElementById(strId).style.backgroundColor = strColor; } else { if (document.images) { document[strId].src = eval(strId + "off.src"); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- // global variables // if IE5.5+ on win32, then display PNGs with AlphaImageLoader if ((browser.isIE55 || browser.isIE6up) && browser.isWin32) { var pngAlpha = true; var strExt = ".png"; // else, if the browser can display PNGs normally, then do that. that list includes: // -Gecko Engine: Netscape 6 or Mozilla, Mac or PC // -IE5+ Mac (OpacityObject applies the background image at 100% opacity) // -Opera 6+ PC // -Opera 5+ Mac (Doesn't support dynamically-set background images) // -Opera 6+ Linux // -Omniweb 3.1+ // -Icab 1.9+ // -WebTV // -Sega Dreamcast } else if ((browser.isGecko) || (browser.isIE5up && browser.isMac) || (browser.isOpera && browser.isWin && browser.versionMajor >= 6) || (browser.isOpera && browser.isUnix && browser.versionMajor >= 6) || (browser.isOpera && browser.isMac && browser.versionMajor >= 5) || (browser.isOmniweb && browser.versionMinor >= 3.1) || (browser.isIcab && browser.versionMinor >= 1.9) || (browser.isWebtv) || (browser.isDreamcast)) { var pngNormal = true; var strExt = ".png"; // otherwise, we use plain old GIFs } else { var strExt = ".gif"; } var ns = (document.all)?false:true; var browserVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion ); //---------------------------------------------------------------