fact_desc = new Array("Simon Fraser University is one of the top-ranked comprehensive universities in Canada, and serves more than 18,000 students.", "The School of Computing Science currently has approximately 200 Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, 800 undergraduate majors, and 54 faculty members, across two campuses in Greater Vancouver. ", "The Burnaby campus is situated on Burnaby Mountain, while the newer Surrey campus is situated 25 minutes away in an award-winning architectural complex south of the Fraser River.", "Vancouver thrives as a scenic waterfront city located just minutes away from the mountains and a wide range of outdoor activities.", "Vancouver's cultural and intellectual pursuits, leisure opportunities, favourable climate, and clean and safe environment are consistently cited as quality of life factors that make it one of the most desirable places in the world to live and work."); fact_href = new Array("/", "/", "/", "/", "/");