CMPT 881 - Average-Case Complexity - Spring'11


Course description 

Is it easy to generate a hard problem? For example, is a random problem (e.g., a random 3-SAT formula) hard to solve? Assuming NP is different from P, can it still be the case that NP is efficiently solvable on average (for any natural distribution of instances)? Is it possible to base cryptography on the worst-case hardness assumption that NP is different from P?

In this course, we will study these and related questions. The goal of the course is to provide the "big picture" for various aspects of the modern theory of average-case complexity. We will discuss random k-SAT and other natural problems, see the "state of the art" for the known algorithms, and highlight the important algorithmic challenges. We will also discuss the relationship between worst-case and average-case hardness, and connections to cryptography.


Course Text:  There is no textbook for this course. We will use some surveys and research articles; some useful links will be posted (see the bottom of the page).

Grading There will be 3-4 homework assignments, and a project; the students are also expected to take turns at scribing the lectures. The details to be discussed in the first week of the class.

Instructor: Valentine Kabanets (, Office: TASC I #8011

Where and When

Important dates


Course Projects

Please choose one research paper to read, and present it in class (using blackboard or slides, as you wish); expect to be given about 30-50 min for your presentation. Almost any paper related to "average-case complexity" is possible as a project. However, please consult with me to for the approval of your course project! To choose a paper, you can consult the surveys by Bogdanov-Trevisan and Achlioptas (see below) for some important papers in the area. You can also do your own search for the paper you find interesting. Once you have some candidate paper(s), please talk to me to finalize your project. Also, if you can't seem to find a good paper you would like to read, please talk to me.


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