
CMPT 307

Data Structures & Algorithms   -   Summer 2019


  • May 6: Please note that there is no class on Wed, May 8. See you on Friday!

older announcements...

Course description

The course introduces concepts and problem-solving techniques useful for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms.

  • Topics
  • Texts
  • Lectures
  • Office hours
  • Marking scheme
  • Motivating example: the stable matching problem
  • Greedy (graph) algorithms, BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's, Kruskal's, and Prim's
  • Simple data structures: priority queues (with heaps) and union-find
  • Divide & Conquer algorithms (solving recurrences)
  • Dynamic Programming algorithms
  • Network Flow algorithms and matching
  • Randomized algorithms
  • NP-completeness
  • Advanced topics
  • Algorithm Design by J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, 2006 [main]
  • Introduction to Algorithms by T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein, 2001 [optional]
day time room
Mon 15:30-16:20 AQ 3181
Wed 15:30-16:20 AQ 3181
Fri 15:30-16:20 AQ 3181
day time room
Wed 12:30-13:20 TASC1 8011
Fri 12:30-13:20 TASC1 8011
  • four 50-min in-class quizzes @ 15% each,
  • final exam @ 40%.
Note: I will post 4 homework assignments (one before each quiz), which will not be collected and graded. The solutions to homework problems will be posted before the quiz. The quizzes will be loosely based on the homework problems, so you will benefit by solving the homework problems by yourself!

Teaching staff

Instructor: Valentine Kabanets (, Office: TASC1 8011

TAs: Ermin Hodzic (, Amirhossein Kazeminia (, Shohre Masoumi (

If you have grading-related questions, please email the TAs and ask for an appointment. If you still have questions after meeting with the TA, then come and see me.

Important dates

The 50-minute quizzes will be given during our regular lecture times on the following dates.

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4
June 3 June 24 July 8 July 29


Final exam: Aug 9, 15:30-18:30, room TBA


I'll post homework assignments & solutions.

Lecture notes & Slides

I'll post my lecture notes (slides), and the reading assignment.