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Due: Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 - to be submitted according to the TA's guidelines (TBA).

TASK 1 (5 points): Nonlinear Systems and Scale-Free Networks 

You must have watched the first seven on-line videos on Nonlinear Systems.  Read the course pack article by Barabasi (Scale-Free Networks).  Compare and contrast these two topics.  Specifically, how do they relate to one another if at all?  How does this apply to the study of sociotechnological change?

TASK 2 (3 points):  Idealism versus Materialism in the Epistemology Relating to Human Organization

Read Harper's two chapters in your coursepack.  In particular, the second section (chapter four) focuses on the epistemology of sociology.  That is, the study of how one acquires knowledge on human social behaviour.  Read them thoroughly and then compare and contrast idealism to materialism.  

Then read the article by Windschuttle.  How do you consider Windschuttle's argument in light of your readings from Harper in detail?

TASK 3 (2 points): Sociotechnological Theorizing:

Defend whether or not Marshall McLuhan's "Laws of Media" conforms to a scientific theory. (HINT: See the PPT on The Modern Scientific Method to be given in week 2 (May 17, 2017).

Format: Not to exceed one page EACH (single-sided, single-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman, referenced).