CMPT 165: Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web

Instructor: Stephen Makonin

Office: TASC1 9425

Office Hours: We Fr 10:30am - 11:30am

Email: smakonin [at] sfu . ca

TAs: Yao Song, Suraiya Hameed, Liyue Wang

TA Office: CSIL@Burnaby (ASB 9838 TA1/T2/T3)

Office Hours: Tu We 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Email: cmpt-165-d1-help [at] sfu . ca


In this course, we shall examine the structure of the Internet and the World Wide Web as well as design and create web sites. Students who have obtained credit for, or are currently enrolled in a CMPT course at the 200 division or higher, CMPT 118 or 170, or IAT 265 or 267 may not take CMPT 165 for further credit. Breadth-Science.

In this course, we introduce the Internet and the World Wide Web. More specifically, we examine the structure of the Internet and the World Wide Web and learn how they work. We also look at how web pages are created, then we design and create our own web sites. We will also explore the basics of design and programming. There are no prerequisites for this course; it does not assume any background in computer science. Students should have access to a computer with Internet access (any operating system is acceptable).

Also see the course curriculum description here: outline.pdf

Lectures: Mo We Fr 12:30pm - 1:20pm, AQ3181 (Burnaby Mountain Campus)

Text Book: CMPT 165 Custom Courseware, Greg Baker, SFU Bookstore, 2009 (PDF Version)

Other Resources: Course Information Website and W3Schools

Apps/Utilities: Sublime Text 3, FileZilla FTP, Pyhton 2.7.x, GIMP, and Inkscape

Web-Based Tools: Interactive HTML Editor, Lorem Ipsum, XHTML Validator, and Paletton

Important Links: Student Personal Website, CourSys Submission/Marks Website, Course Mailing List Archive

Grading Plan

9 Lab Exercises9%
3 Assignments21%
1 Midterm Exam20%
1 Final Exam50%
Students must attain an overall passing grade on the weighted average of exams in the course in order to obtain a clear pass (C- or better). You can follow your progress using the CourSys Website.

Lab Exercises Marking Policy: Each lab exercise that is correct and submitted on time is worth 1 point. Partial marks may be awarded at the discretion of the TA. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Assignments Marking Policy: Each assignment is marked based on the tasks described in that assigment. Partial marks are awarded for the correctness of each task. Late assignments will have a 10% penalty for each day late. Assignments greater than 2 days will not be accepted.

Academic Honesty Statement: Academic honesty plays a key role in our efforts to maintain a high standard of academic excellence and integrity. Students are advised that ALL acts of intellectual dishonesty will be handled in accordance with the SFU Academic Honesty and Student Conduct Policies.


Week Lecture Date Topic Coursework
1 Wed, Jan 7 Course Introduction
Fri, Jan 9 Unit 1: The World Wide Web (WWW)
Lecture 2 Examples: iphone.html
2 Mon, Jan 12
Wed, Jan 14 Unit 2: Markup and HTML/XHTML
Demo 1: HTML Using a Text Editor vs. MS Word
Demo 2: Converting plain text to HTML (watch video)
Demo 3: Adding lists, links, and images to Report1 (watch video)
Demo 4: Single page to a multi-page website (watch video)
Examples: HTML Lists, Directory Browsing
Tutorial: Doing & Submitting Exercise 1 Video
Fri, Jan 16
3 Mon, Jan 19 NO CLASS
Wed, Jan 21
Fri, Jan 23 E1 Due
4 Mon, Jan 26 Unit 3: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Demo 1: Adding style (external CSS) to Report2 (watch video)
Wed, Jan 28
Fri, Jan 30 E2 Due
5 Mon, Feb 2 Unit 4: Advanced XHTML and CSS
Demo 1: Validating and fixing XHTML errors (watch video)
Demo 2: Character entity encoding from plain text to HTML (watch video)
Demo 3: Adding element positioning to a Museum Article (watch video)
Example: Valid XHTML starting point
Wed, Feb 4
Fri, Feb 6 E3 Due
6 Feb 9 - 11 SFU Reading Break Week NO CLASSES
7 Mon, Feb 16 Special Topic 1: The Visual System and Colour
Example: The Good, Bad & Ugly
Wed, Feb 18 A1 Due
Fri, Feb 20 Units 1-4 Review and Questions (with In-Class Interactive Quiz)
E4 Due
8 Mon, Feb 23 Special Topic 2: Markdown
Wed, Feb 25 Midterm Exam, 50 minutes, Location in-class Sample Exam
Fri, Feb 27 Unit 5: Graphics and Images
Example: Image file format comparison
Tutorial: How to use Gimp - Basics Video
9 Mon, Mar 2 E5 Due
Wed, Mar 4 Unit 6: Design Principles
Example: Splash Page (for A2)
Fri, Mar 6
10 Mon, Mar 9 Unit 7: Introduction to Programming
Extra Slides: Python Basics
Examples: From the Slides
Examples: Program Tracing
E6 Due
Wed, Mar 11
Fri, Mar 13
11 Mon, Mar 16 E7 Due
Wed, Mar 18
Fri, Mar 20
12 Mon, Mar 23 Unit 8: HTML Forms and Basic CGI
Form Example: Basic Form with CGI (run)
CGI Examples: (run) and (run)
Self-Contained CGI Examples: add (run) and divide (run)
A2 Due
Wed, Mar 25
Fri, Mar 27 E8 Due
13 Mon, Mar 30 Unit 9: Dynamic HTML Programming
Bottles Song Example: HTML, image, Python (run)
Web Login Example: files (run)
Wed, Apr 1 E9 Due
Fri, Apr 3 NO CLASS
14 Mon, Apr 6 NO CLASS
Wed, Apr 8
Fri, Apr 10 Units 5-9 Review and Questions (with In-Class Interactive Quiz)
15 Mon, Apr 13 In-Class Lab: Instructor/TAs help with A3 and understanding Python A3 Due
16 Sat, Apr 25 Final Exam: Starts at 8:30am, 3 hours, Location SSCC 9001 (Chemistry)